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affiliations on the web

I am a Proud Member of the Cyber Crew! RAOK

As of right now I do not belong to many groups. I have thought about joining a few others, but am taking my time doing so.  I want to feel comfortable in one group before joining another. After applying for membership for a new group, I will add a small link to this page. When/if I am accepted, they will get their own page here. I am going to do this for a couple of reasons.  First of all, each group is unique and I think therefore deserves its own space. Secondly, I think it will ease in the confusion of any web rings I might join for that group. And finally, some groups seem to have rather large membership logos, so this will help my pages load a little more smoothly. If you have any comments/suggestions about this, please feel free to write me.

Group / URL



My Group Page / URL

Cyber Crew



Random Acts of Kindness



take 5 minutes for raok

update: 10/20/00
on the web™ © 1999-2000 by Sandi
No# of Visitors: 700