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friendship gifts on the web

Before using any graphics from this site, I need to make one thing clear.  Unless otherwise noted, you MUST provide a link back to my web site. AND it MUST be a visible link that gives me credit for ANY graphics you use. That's it! If you would like a friendship gift made for personal use, for use on your home page, or to give as a gift, contact me & we can discuss the details.  Yes, it's that easy!

+ NOTE +
These Images Are For Display ONLY!

Birthday Gift Wedding Gift Anniversary Gift New Baby Gift New Year Gift
Valentine's Day Gift Easter Gift Mother's Day Gift Father's Day Gift Halloween Gift
Thanksgiving Gift Christmas Gift #1 Christmas Gift #2

What is Copyright?

The 11th Commandment

Grey Day - Where Will You Be?


update: 10/20/00
on the web™ © 1999-2000 by Sandi
No# of Visitors: 4583