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my travels on the web

I travel the web quite a bit in my free time.  I try to visit at least a few new sites everytime I get online. I must admit there are some sites that I visit quite frequently. I thought I would share those with you. These are some of what you my call my favorite sites.  I hope you enjoy visiting them as much as I do.

A's, B's, & C's

angel's web graphics

D's, E's, & F's

destiny's designs

G's, H's, & I's

gardener's paradise

azala design elite web designs

gilbertson´s web-design

bejewelled.net forever dream
cooking.com friends, flowers, & musings
crystal rose graphics

J's, K's, & L's

jumbles animal gallery

M's, N's, & O's

moyra's web jewels P's, Q's, & R's pat's web graphics
katie's castle my blue house penny's place
lady j's world notsweet.net quest graphics design
love resources november designs random acts of kindness

S's, T's, & U's

sisters of the golden moon

V's, W's, & X's

victorian elegance Y's & Z's
subdesigns web elegance
susanne's dream women of strength...
touch of beauty the women's place
triple orbit wonderful miracles
writergirls corner

update: 10/23/00
on the web™ © 1999-2000 by Sandi
No# of Visitors: 980