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web design on the web

Web Site Creation
Have you always wanted your on webpage/website, but don't have any clue how to create one. Well here is your chance.  on the web™ can create a webpage/website for you.  This would include complete art & design...including custom backgrounds, icons & clickable buttons.

Web Site Redesign
If you currently have an existing web site that's not getting you the results you want, on the web™ can help. We can add the design elements that you need to bring it back to life.

Web Site Maintenance
If you don't have the time or resources to maintain your site, on the web™ can help with that too! on the web™ has the expertise to support and update your web site based on your needs.

If you are thinking this is too good to be true...don't worry here is your catch.  You MUST provide a link back to my web site.  AND is MUST be a visible link that gives me credit for ANY work done.  That's it! If you are interested in any of these services contact me today.

What is Copyright?

The 11th Commandment

Grey Day - Where Will You Be?


update: 10/20/00
on the web™ © 1999-2000 by Sandi
No# of Visitors: 848