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take 5 minutes for raok

RAOK - Proud Member

The follwoing is an portion of a letter written to all prospective members.  I did NOT write it and only have it desplayed here, because it sums up RAOK so very well.  Please do NOT copy any of it, because like I said it is NOT mine. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to write me.

...We try to live by a code here at RAOK. We all try to be kind. Of course we are only human and have our lives and bad days to account for but we all love and help our members as best we can. We do not attack our members in guestbooks or on message boards. We have love and show love on the Members board, anyone can see it when they visit it there. That is the type of environment we all want to be in. Somewhere that we all can feel safe and not have to worry about being judged or feel bad. We all have hard times and we want to be there, most times we cannot do anything but a thinking of you message and cyber hug, might make you feel less alone. That is what our family is all about at RAOK. We are not mean or hurtful, we care and we are kind. That is the way it will be. If you agree with this then we'd love to have you as a member.

We ask 5 minutes of our members everyday which is considered one act of kindness, one guestbook signed or one card sent. Of course you can do more. If you still would like to join but cannot give the 5 minutes daily or you don't have a regular net schedule, that is okay, we'd still love to have you join us...

Kind Soul
RAOK Owner and President

Random Acts Of Kindness Webring
Sandra Kay aka Sandi
Is A Caring Member Of RAOK!
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RAOK - Proud Member

Do you have a act of kindness
story you would like to share?
I would love to hear/read it.
Email me your story today.

'For My Friend' by Carol Miller

across the miles
you touched my life,
opened my eyes, and
filled my empty heart- -

strangers, yet friends,
our spirits reach out,
always touching, never apart- -

you in the east,
me in the west,
never together,
never apart- -

RAOK - Award
I know that RAOK sponsers this award,
but I truly believe that each member of
RAOK also deserves this award.

I don't know how to join the TLC Committee yet...hope to find out soon.
You might want to check out the projects they have done & the causes they support.

Next to page 2 of take 5 minutes for raok

update: 10/20/00
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